Data AnnotationΒΆ

Data annotation is the process of connecting data and metadata, by “tagging” recorded ePhys elements with appropriate metadata values. To understand data annotation better, consider a nice example in the overview.

You may annotate (or “tag”) one or several ePhys Objects with particular metadata values. For that you should POST appropriate metadata values to a single object

Request: POST /electrophysiology/<object_type>/<object_id>/

or to a selection of objects

Request: POST /electrophysiology/<object_type>/?filters

for example:

Request: POST /electrophysiology/analogsignal/11/

    "metadata": [

If the POST request is sent to the selection (several objects), all objects in the selection will be updated. Importantly, by default metadata values are added to the existing metadata values. If you need to completely overwrite object’s metadata, provide m2m_append=0 parameter in the request. This is also the way to remove object metadata, providing empty list together with m2m_append=0.

Another feature is that metadata propagates down the electrophysiological hierarchy by default, e.g. if you annotate a Segment that contains some AnalogSignals or Events, all these signals and events will be also annotated. This can be controlled with the “cascade” attribute: provide cascade=0 to cancel cascade propagation.

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