============================== Versioning and history support ============================== You may know that our system supports :ref:`object versioning `. That means, for every object we keep all changes made. This document describes how you can access previous versions. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Going back in time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If any change was made to an object, you may request any of it's previous states by specifying the time of the state in the request. Use the **at_time** parameter for that: :: Request: GET ///[]/?at_time= this works with lists of objects too: :: Request: GET ///?at_time= For example, if you set **at_time** to any point in time in the previous century: :: Request: GET ///?at_time=1998-07-26 17:16:07 you'll obviously get no results. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Object changes history ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Soon you'll be able to request object changes history in one GET request, however, at the moment this feature is in development.