============== AUTHENTICATION ============== *Note. You maybe want to just try the API from the usual web-browser (like Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.). In this case you may just go to the* `login page`_ *, fill in the login form and submit to authenticate. After successful authentication your sessionid will be stored in the browser, and you may use the address bar (or any REST-client, for example* `Postman REST Client for Chrome`_ *) to query the API.* .. _Postman REST Client for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/postman-rest-client/fdmmgilgnpjigdojojpjoooidkmcomcm .. _login page: http://test.g-node.org/account/login/ In general, for authenticatation, please use the following request: :: Request: POST /account/authenticate/ POST parameters: * username - user account name * password - user password A successful response will contain a cookie called *sessionid*. Use this cookie within every request to work with the API. To reset the session, send the GET request to the :: Request: GET /account/logout/ Previously acquired cookie will no longer work.